SCAPE’s ‘Interplay’ at Better World by Design

Sep 20, 2016

Better World by Design is a student-organized initiative at Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design, celebrating interdisciplinary collaborations between designers and educators. The 3-day conference taking place on September 23rd-25th on Brown and RISD’s campus will hold several workshops, panels and discussions that engage with and promote design.

SCAPE will be contributing to the conference’s theme of ‘Interplay’ with Design Principal Gena Wirth speaking about uniting social and ecological systems to sustainably remake our cities and landscapes. In addition to hearing the lecture about the relationship between design practice and urban ecology, audience members will be given the chance to participate in a book raffle for a free copy of SCAPE’s new book, Toward An Urban Ecology.


Not able to catch the Urban Ecology lecture? Purchase your copy of the SCAPE manifesto here.