Chattahoochee RiverLands team releases final report and vision

Jul 22, 2020

After 20 months of research, public engagement and collaboration, the Chattahoochee RiverLands Design Team released the Chattahoochee RiverLands Greenway Study alongside the Trust for Public Land, the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC), the City of Atlanta, and Cobb County. Led by SCAPE, the core team includes Gresham Smith, New South Associates, Biohabitats, Dr. Na’Taki Osborne Jelks, Dr. Richard Milligan, and Edwards-Pitman.

More than a trail, the study outlines a network of greenways, blueways, parks, and the destinations they create that will bring people to the water’s edge, promote stewardship and conservation of the river, and reveal the subtle magic of the Chattahoochee to all. Nearly one million residents live within three miles of the proposed trail system, including communities that have long been underserved by connective open spaces.

The project’s ambitious 125-mile linear path demanded a unique approach to engagement, particularly within communities historically lacking connection and access to the River. The design team held over 75 sub-area committee meetings, public forums, and one-on-one meetings with local community leaders and activists. This process tied closely into the development of a vision and alignment that prioritizes equitable access and local community priorities, including youth engagement and people with disabilities.

The process was guided by the Chattahoochee Working Group, which includes more than 70 local stakeholders including multiple city, county, state, and federal government agencies and environmental-focused nonprofit organizations.

Check out the full vision and final report on the project website:

Animations of the final design concepts can be viewed on social media at: @scape_studio